Hello and welcome to my very first blog post

For those who don’t know me, my name is Vicky and I am in my early 30s. I don’t know about you, but my 20s were a struggle on so many levels. It is only in the last few years that I believe I have finally started to figure out this whole “adulting” thing.

Are you struggling to find your purpose? Are you drowning in debt? Are you trying to find your dream job? Or eyeing that promotion? Do you avoid looking towards the future because the thought of it gives you anxiety? I totally get it, I was there! I did not have my act together, I had no plan, and I had no idea how I was going create a better future for myself. All I knew, is that I needed to do something. But what?

Why I started my blog

I have created this blog to connect with anyone who may be feeling like they want more. This is for anyone who is feeling stuck, and is looking for that extra motivation to reach their goals. This blog is about “adulting” gracefully. My goal is to inspire you through tips, tricks and thoughts. I have learned some hard lessons along the way, and hope that you can learn from them to avoid making the same mistakes. I want you to pay off your debt quickly; to get that promotion you are eyeing; to have the luxury items you have been wishing for. But most important, I want you to do it gracefully so that you are not be afraid to look at the future. I want you to get excited at the possibilities. Fast forward to my late 20s and early 30s, after many years of trying to discover who I am, after seriously working on myself, I have finally been able to make a few significant breakthroughs. My debts are all paid off; I have an amazing stable career; and I still continue to strive for more. I don’t say this to brag. I say this to tell you what is possible. Was it hard to change? Of course! Nothing worth having comes easy. But if you can stick through it, you will reap all the benefits.

What you can expect to see more of

Getting out of debt and building towards your dream career will be my main focus, as I feel that these two are key to getting you started in the right direction. However, I may also incorporate some home and wellness posts as these are also areas of interest of mine. I believe regular self-care and decluttering your space does help you feel more accomplished and reflects positively into your work and everything that you do.

I just want to warn you that writing is not my forte, and I am no expert at this. And will be learning how to blog as I go forward. To help me with this, I decided to take a course with a work plan to make sure that I don’t miss any steps. I am finding the technology overwhelming and frustrating. Having to setup my website and learn how to use it is going to take me some time. However, I am hoping this course will get me set up properly setup. As I continue to post, I welcome your comments. Please feel free to provide your thoughts, advice and suggestions. I very much look forward to hearing your stories and experiences, and hope to learn from you as well. I can’t wait to get started, and help you upgrade and accomplish your goals, whether they be personal or professional.

Welcome, xoxo


Vicky Pelletier