Top 4 things to focus on to achieve your career goals

If you keep doing what you are doing today, where will you be in 5 years? Where will you be in 10 years?

This was the question my friend asked me one time over coffee. I remember how hard that question it me. I was living paycheck to paycheck and trying to pay off my school line of credit and car. I was terrified of what my life would look like in 5 years’ time. If the answer to that question gets you excited and you have it all planned, then I congratulate you. Keep doing what you are doing. But if you find yourself like how I was in that very moment, completely horrified, it is time to roll up those sleeves and take action. I will discuss 4 things that you can start focusing on today that will help you achieve your future career goals.

Ask yourself, “What do I want to be when I grow up?”

In order to achieve your career goals you must first know what they are. Ask yourself, “What do I want to be when I grow up?”Sounds silly eh? But no lie, I am in my mid-30s and I am constantly asking myself this very question! Perhaps all you want is a promotion in your current office, or you want a management position, or you want to change fields, or you want to find a job that allows for more work flexibility, etc. You should be constantly be asking yourself “What do I want to be when I grow up?” all the time. Even once you have achieved your goal, keep asking yourself that very question. You may not know exactly what you want to do, but may have an idea of the field or the type of work that interests you. And that is ok. But you must know your goal if you want to take the steps to get you there.

Invest in training and development

After that hard realization over coffee with my friend, I began researching the internet to find ways to pay off my debt fast and to advance my professional career. I began reading several books on personal and career development. I began attending all kind of events and seminars to learn as much as possible from experts in different fields. What I had not realized was that I wastaking the steps to invest in myself. By taking something away from each book I read and every seminar I attended, I was applying little changes here and there to my life and to my work. And eventually things started to shift.

Think hard about your goal.  What kind of books are there with that similar topic? Are there any free seminars in your city? Do you need post-secondary education? Or do you need a couple specialized courses? Does your work offer an allowance for training? Does your work offer a mentorship program? It is of upmost importance for you to constantly be investing in your development. Even if you are working full-time in your field, you need to always be learning something new, something that is challenging and that will prepare you for your next step.

Here are some great books I would recommend if you are unsure where to start:

    • Maximize Your Potential: Grow Your Expertise. Take Bold Risks & Build an Incredible
    • Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-being, Wisdom, and Wonder
    • Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?
    • Moving the Needle: Get Clever, Get Free, and Get Going in Your Career, Business, and Life
    • Now What?: 90 Fays to a New Life Direction

Growing your network

Most often you will find jobs and/or business opportunitiesthrough your network. And note that people tend to hire and want to work with people they know and can trust. Here are tips and trick that will help you expand your network:

    • Join or organize social events on different topics you are interest in.
    • Get to know people, but most importantly think about long-term relationships. You want to make sure to follow up with everyone you connect with and would like to maintain a relationship with.
    • Be a good listener and show interest in the person you are connecting to. Ask questions and make sure you listen to what they have to say.
    • Don’t just take – give as well. Helping others first, or taking on tasks that others do not want to do is a great way to give and be noticed by your network.
    • Never be afraid to ask for what you are looking for. The worst that can happen is that you get a no.

Keep your eyes open for opportunities

I don’t necessarily mean look at ALL the opportunities. Look at those that fit your current skill set. Those that offer new skills you could learn from to add to your resume. Those that can provide you with new experiences and knowledge to get you a step closer to your dream job.

Thinking back, the reality is, I wasted a lot of energy trying to grow in a business that offered no opportunities for growth or promotion. I was working a retail job, there were no vacant positions to grow and earn promotions, and the culture was too controlling for me to get creative. It did not matter how hard I tried, there was nothing more for me to gain by staying. The point is, don’t feel like you have to stay loyal to a company that cannot offer you what you want and what you deserve. Stay on the lookout for the next available opportunity at refining your skills, and go for it when you see it.

Too many of us end up sticking with the same company or same job because we love the people or we are afraid of change. The truth is, your employer will do what is best for them, not what is best for you. And that is simply business. If you want to achieve your career goals, you have to put in the work. Invest in your training and development, expand your network, and be on the lookout for new opportunities. Many employers will try to hold onto you because they don’t want to go through the process of hiring. Their goals are completely different than yours. If you still have lots to learn, stay in your current job until you can no longer learn anything or have accomplished everything you need to move on. But if you are bored, if you need to expand your experiences to get that promotion you are eyeing, you need to do what it takes to move on. And finally, ask yourself, if you keep doing what you are doing today, where will you be in 5 years? If the answer excites you, keep doing what you are doing. If the answer scares you, roll up those sleeves and get to work!


Vicky Pelletier